n15=..On:/set %mass.join.prot on | /set %max.join $?="Enter Maximum number of Joins (default 5)" | if %max.join == $null { /set %max.join 5 } | /set %join.time $?="In how many seconds (default 15)" | if %join.time == $null { /set %join.time 15 } | /cecho Mass Join Protection is now ON and set to a maximum of %max.join $+ joins in %join.time $+ seconds.
n16=..Off:/set %mass.join.prot off | /cecho Mass Join Protection is now OFF
n17=.Channel Flood Protection
n18=..On:/set %chan.flud.prot on | /set %max.lines $?="Maxium number of lines (default 5)" | if %max.lines == $null { /set %max.lines 5 } | /set %flood.time $?="In how many seconds (default 10)" | if %flood.time == $null { /set %flood.time 10 } | /cecho Channel Flood Protection is now ON and set to %max.lines $+ lines in %flood.time $+ seconds.
n19=..Off:/set %chan.flud.prot off | /cecho Channel Flood Protection is now OFF
n20=.Offensive Nick Protection
n21=..On:/set %offnick.prot on | /cecho Offensive Nick Protection is now ON
n22=..Off:/set %offnick.prot off | /cecho Offensive Nick Protection is now OFF
n23=.Long Text Flood Protection
n24=..On:/set %max.text $?="Enter Maximum Number of Characters:" | if %max.text == $null { /set %max.text 350 } | /set %text.flud.prot on | /cecho Text Flood Protection is now ON and set to $+ %max.text $+ 10Characters
n25=..Off:/set %text.flud.prot off | /cecho Text Flood Protection is now OFF
n26=TΩrM∩±8t≡r Options
n27=.Ping Counter
n28=..On:/set %ping.counter on | /cecho Ping Counter is now ON
n29=..Off:/set %ping.counter off | /cecho Ping Counter is now OFF
n32=..On:/set %splitstat on | /cecho Split Detector is now ON
n33=..Off:/set %splitstat off | /cecho Split Detector is now OFF
n34=.Deop/Ban Protection
n35=..On:/set %aop on | /cecho Deop/Ban Protection is now ON | /cecho (You MUST Be AOP or Above for this to work)
n36=..Off:/set %aop off | /cecho Deop/Ban Protection is now OFF
n37=.DCC Flood Protection
n39=...On:/set %dcc.flud.prot on | /cecho DCC Repeat Flood Protection is now ON
n40=...Off:/set %dcc.flud.prot off | /cecho DCC Repeat Flood Protection is now OFF
n41=..Long Text
n42=...On:/set %dcc.lt.flud.prot on | /set %max.dcc.text $?="Enter Maximum Number of Characters:" | if %max.dcc.text == $null { /set %max.dcc.text 350 } | /cecho DCC Long Text Flood Protection is now ON and Set to a Maximum of %max.dcc.text Characters.
n43=...Off:/set %dcc.lt.flud.prot off | /cecho DCC Long Text Flood Protection is now OFF
n44=.MSG Flood Protection
n46=...On:/set %msg.flud.prot on | /cecho Msg Repeat Flood Protection is now ON
n47=...Off:/set %msg.flud.prot off | /cecho Msg Repeat Flood Protection is now OFF
n48=..Long Text
n49=...On:/set %msg.lt.flud.prot on | /set %max.msg.text $?="Enter Maximum Number of Characters:" | if %max.msg.text == $null { /set %max.msg.text 350 } | /cecho Msg Long Text Flood Protection is now ON and Set to a Maximum of %max.msg.text Characters.
n50=...Off:/set %msg.lt.flud.prot off | /cecho Msg Long Text Flood Protection is now OFF
n51=.Disconnect Protection
n52=..On:.set %dc.prot on | .timer47 -o 0 20 /amionline | /Cecho Disconnection Protection is now ON
n53=..Off:.set %dc.prot off | .timer47 off | /Cecho Disconnection Protection is now OFF
n54=.CTCP Flood Protection
n56=...On:/set %ctcp.flud.prot on | /cecho CTCP Repeat Flood Protection is now ON
n57=...Off:/set %ctcp.flud.prot off | /cecho CTCP Repeat Flood Protection is now OFF
n58=..Long Text
n59=...On:/set %ctcp.lt.flud.prot on | /set %max.ctcp.text $?="Enter Maximum Number of Characters:" | if %max.ctcp.text == $null { /set %max.ctcp.text 350 } | /cecho CTCP Long Text Flood Protection is now ON and Set to a Maximum of %max.ctcp.text Characters.
n60=...Off:/set %ctcp.lt.flud.prot off | /cecho CTCP Long Text Flood Protection is now OFF
n61=.Invite Flood Protection
n62=..On:/set %invite.flud.prot on | /cecho Invite Flood Protection is now ON
n63=..Off:/set %invite.flud.prot off | /cecho Invite Flood Protection is now OFF
n64=.Notice Flood Protection
n66=...On:/set %notice.flud.prot on | /cecho Notice Repeat Flood Protection is now ON
n67=...Off:/set %notice.flud.prot off | /cecho Notice Repeat Flood Protection is now OFF
n68=..Long Text
n69=...On:/set %notice.lt.flud.prot on | /set %max.notice.text $?="Enter Maximum Number of Characters:" | if %max.notice.text == $null { /set %max.notice.text 350 } | /cecho Notice Long Text Flood Protection is now ON and Set to a Maximum of %max.notice.text Characters.
n70=...Off:/set %notice.lt.flud.prot off | /cecho Notice Repeat Long Text Protection is now OFF
n71=.Echo Script Status:/scriptstats
n72=.Reset Script Options:if $?="Are you Sure? (type yes if you are)" == yes { /set %createlist off | /set %addtolist off | /set %searching off | /set %n 0 | /set %i 34 | /set %splits 0 | /set %away off | /unset %awayreason | /set %pings 0 | /set %counter off | /set %swear.protection off | /set %autodeop off | /set %autop.friends on | /set %autop.master on | /set %autovoice off | /set %ping.counter on | /set %pager on | /set %splitstat on | /set %auto.ping off | /set %auto.whois off | /set %longtext.prot on | /set %auto.beep off | /set %text.flud.prot on | /set %msg.flud.prot on | /reset1 }
n74=Telnet:/telenet $$?="Enter Address to Telnet To" $?="Enter Telnet Port"
n75=Send an E-Mail:/mail
n0=Clear Screen:/clear
n3=.#Test:/join #Test
n4=.#Teen:/join #Teen
n5=.#Teens:/join #Teens
n6=.#ChatZone:/join #ChatZone
n7=.#TheIanMan:/join #TheIanMan
n8=.#FunFactory:/join #FunFactory
n9=.#mIRC_Scripts:/join #mIRC_Scripts
n10=.#DragonRealm:/join #DragonRealm
n12=.See Ya!:/quit See Ya! $logo
n13=.Lagg Attack:/quit ACK! Lagg Attack! $logo
n14=.Quitting Bites:/quit Quitting bites $logo
n15=.Be back at <time>:/quit I'll be back at $?="enter time:" $logo
n16=.I miss ya already:/quit I miss ya already! $logo
n17=.Fake Split for DALnet:/quit spider.ca.us.dal.net termin8tor.is.kewl.dal.net
n18=.What does this button do:/quit What does this button do? $logo
n20=.Random DALnet:/server irc.dal.net 7000
n21=.Random EFnet:/server irc.cris.com
n22=.Random Undernet:/server us.undernet.org
n24=Send an E-Mail:/mail
n25=Telnet Somewhere:Telnet:/telenet $$?="Enter Address to Telnet To" $?="Enter Telnet Port"
n1=.Tell Using:/me 15iz 3using $wholelogo
n2=.Tel Get:/me 1says To get $logo 1jez goto $site
n5=.See Ya!:/quit See Ya! $logo
n6=.Lagg Attack:/quit ACK! Lagg Attack! $logo
n7=.Quitting Bites:/quit Quitting bites $logo
n8=.Be back at <time>:/quit I'll be back at $?="enter time:" $logo
n9=.I miss ya already:/quit I miss ya already! $logo
n10=.Fake Split for DALnet:/quit spider.ca.us.dal.net termin8tor.is.kewl.dal.net
n11=.What does this button do:/quit What does this button do? $logo
n13=.Random DALnet:/server irc.dal.net 7000
n14=.Random EFnet:/server irc.cris.com
n15=.Random Undernet:/server us.undernet.org
n16=War Stuf
n17=.Channel Flud:/set %numberofchanfluds $?="number of floods" | if %numberofchanfluds == $null { halt } | /chanflud
n18=.TΩrM∩±8 channel:termin8
n19=.Un-TΩrM∩±8 channel:untermin8
n20=Away System
n21=.Set Away:unset %awayreason | set %awayreason $?="reason:" | if %awayreason == $null { halt } | /away %awayreason | awaysys | set %away on | .timer2 0 450 ame 1is AWAY. 10Reason:12 %awayreason 10Pager is:12 %pager $logo
n22=.Set Back:/cecho Welcome Back! | /away | awayoff | set %away off | .timer2 off
n26=...On:/set %pager ON | /cecho Pager now ON
n27=...Off:/set %pager OFF | /cecho Pager now OFF
n28=Channel Modes
n30=..On:/mode # +s
n31=..Off:/mode # -s
n33=..On:/mode # +p
n34=..Off:/mode # -p
n36=..On:/mode # +m
n37=..Off:/mode # -m
n38=.Invite Only
n39=..On:/mode # +i
n40=..Off:/mode # -i
n41=.Limit Users
n42=..On:/mode # +l $?="Limit:"
n43=..Off:/mode # -l
n44=.Only OPs change topics
n45=..On:/mode # +t
n46=..Off:/mode # -t
n47=.Allow External Messages
n48=..No:/mode # +n
n49=..Yes:/mode # -n
n50=Channel Funtions
n51=.Set Topic:/topic # $?="Topic:"
n52=.Clear Screen:/clear
n54=.Auto Deop
n55=..On:/set %autodeop on | /cecho Auto Deop now ON
n56=..Off:/set %autodeop off | /cecho Auto Deop now OFF
n57=.Channel Counter
n58=..On:/set %counter on | /cecho Channel Counter now ON
n59=..Off:/set %counter off | /cecho Channel Counter now OFF
n48=MSG To In Chan:/msg # [ $+ $$1 $+ ]: $+ 1 $?="Enter Message"
n51=.Ping:/ctcp $$1 ping
n52=.Time:/ctcp $$1 time
n53=.Page:/ctcp $$1 page
n54=.Script:/ctcp $$1 script
n55=.Finger:/ctcp $$1 finger
n56=.Version:/ctcp $$1 version
n57=.Userinfo:/ctcp $$1 userinfo
n58=.ClientInfo:/ctcp $$1 clientinfo
n60=.Chat:/dcc chat $$1
n61=.Send:/dcc send $$1
n64=.Op:set %mop 0 | if $me isop # { mass mop }
n65=.Deop:set %mdeop 0 | mass mdeop
n66=.Kick:set %mkick 0 | if $me isop # { mass mkick }
n67=.Ping:set %mping 0 | mass mping
n68=.Voice:set %mvoice 0 | if $me isop # { mass mvoice }
n69=.UnVoice:set %munvoice 0 | if $me isop # { mass munvoice }
n70=.Kick and Ban:set %mkab 0 | if $me isop # { mass mkab }
n72=.Msg (non-op):set %mass.message $?="enter message" | mass mmsg
n73=.Invite (non-op):set %invite.chan $?="channel to invite to:" | mass minvite
n74=.Notice (non-op):set %notice.message $?="enter notice to be given:" | mass mnotice
n75=.Kick/Ban (non-op):mass mnokb $?="reason:"
n77=.Invite (All):set %invite.chan $?="channel to invite to:" | mass minviteall
n78=.Notice (All):set %massnoticeall.msg $?="Enter Notice:" | if %massnoticeall.msg == $null { halt } | mass mnoticeall
n80=.Op Notice:set %notice.message $?="enter op notice:" | mass mopnotice
n81=War Stuf
n82=.DNS:/dns $$1
n83=.MSG flud:set %fludnick $$1 | set %numberofmsgfluds $?="number of messages" | if %numberofmsgfluds == $null { halt } | set %fludmessage $?="enter message" | if %fludmessage == $null { halt } | /cecho Now MSG Flooding %fludnick | /msgflud
n84=.Ping Flood:/pflud $$1
n85=.Notice flud:set %fludnick $$1 | set %numberofnoticefluds $?="number of notices" | if %numberofnoticefluds == $null { halt } | set %fludmessage $?="enter message" | if %fludmessage == $null { halt } | /cecho Now Notice Flooding %fludnick | /noticeflud
n86=.TΩrM∩±8 flud:/cecho Now Flooding $$1 with a TΩrM∩±8 flud | .set %fludnick $$1 | /termin8flud $$1